Monday, February 27, 2012

Picture Time!

Although I haven't lost a lot of weight over the last week, I've been going down size wise.  I had to go down a size in jeans, and even they are big on me at the end of the day.  (YAY!)  I plateaued for about a week, but yesterday the scale went down a pound, and today it went down another pound!  I thought it was time for a few pictures!  (By the way, I could not wear this shirt last week.  Eeek!)

Today's Weight: 227
Total Loss: 22 lbs!


  1. u look GREAT!! u should totally be measuring urself!! what i found when i was losing weight this past summer was that altho the scale may not move, id still be losing inches like crazy. and that's really motivating!!

  2. So glad the plateau was short-lived, I know how frustrating they can be.
