Thursday, July 19, 2012

What's Up?

So, what's up with me lately?  Not much really.  OK, I guess there is a lot.

First things first, I'm sitting at 182lbs as of yesterday.  Weight loss is slow.  I'm not discouraged, but I do wish I was still loosing 5-8 lbs per week like I was at first.  But I guess my weight loss is normal, and maybe even accelerated, which brings its own set of challenges--more on that in a bit.

Next, I joined a gym!  I was going to get a personal trainer, but decided its just not in the budget at this time.  (It was going to be over $1200 for 5 months!  Gah!)  However, starting next week I'm planning on trying to at least go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for a Power Up (bootcamp style) class.  I'm hoping that I can loose my last 42lbs quickly by building back some muscle and exercising.  Hopefully the class won't kill me.  And I'll be honest.  I haven't been in a gym since I was about 17.  So 12 years without stepping foot in a gym, and this wasn't Curves people.  This was a hardcore, body building, crossfit style people gym.  Nuts.  It was hella intimidating.  But I'm going to go back.  Because even if I don't look like the bodybuilders and fitness models that frequent that place, I am at least doing something other than sitting on the couch, or browsing Pinterest.

Now for the bad news.  Apparently, rapid weight loss can cause gallstones.  I kept getting weird pains in my right side, right below my ribcage.  I though I was just pulling muscles while exercising.  Wrong.   I went for an ultrasound, and my gallbladder is full of gallstones.  So, for the second time in less than 6 months, I will be going under the knife.  I have been assured that this procedure is much less painful than the gastric bypass, and its outpatient, so I'll get to go home the same day.  Hopefully I'll heal quickly, because we all know I don't have time to be down!

Lastly, I wanted to let everyone know that just 4 days after my gallbladder surgery, I'm planning on going to Jon's family's campground for a week.  Its kind of like a huge church camp for families.  Its awesome.  I'll be missing the first weekend due to my surgery, but dang it, I'm going for the second half of the week!  The camp is in the boondocks in southern Arkansas.  (Hollywood Arkansas actually.  Never heard of it?  Yeah, that's because the population is less than 40!  haha!)  Its actually been incorporated into the town of Arkadelphia. If you've heard of that and are thinking, "oh, that's not that far out" just remember, from the campground, we have to drive about 10 minutes before we can even get any cell phone reception.  Yeah, that's how far into the boonies we will be.  :)

As a parting gift to you, I'm posting a few pictures taken last week.  :)  Because I know you've all been loosing sleep at night wondering what I look like this week.  Bwahaha!

Today's Weight: 182 lbs
Total Loss: 74 lbs


  1. Gorgeous as always! Good luck at the gym and with your surgery!

  2. looking good keep up the good work.
    Good luck on your surgery..

  3. Atina you are such an inspiration! I have been considering Lap-band surgery for a while but any time I mention it it I hear horror stories. I keep reading your story hoping I will get enough courage to at least go to an information seminar.
    You look fantastic! Way to go!
