Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So Frustrated!

I'm very Frustrated today.  The last time I posted was last Thursday.  Friday I lost 2 more lbs, for a weight of 231.  Where I've been stuck ever since.  I swear, if this is all the weight I'm gonna loose, I want my stomach put back the way it was so I can stop eating all the damn time and just have a freaking piece of cake!  I'm angry, and I still feel fat, and I just want to cry.  This sucks.  For the past 3 days I've been feeling like this is such a mistake.  Everyone who has had the surgery keeps telling me its not, but they've all lost over 100 lbs.  I've lost a measly 18.  And the only thing I can tell is my jeans aren't as tight.  I haven't even gone down a size.  And I really want a piece of toast or a grilled cheese sandwich, but no, I can't eat bread anymore.  Or anything dense really.  Ugh.

1 comment:

  1. Atina- BREATHE!!! i know ur frustrated, you've gone through SO MUCH torture the past few weeks. but you've got to remember that u didnt put the weight on in 3 weeks, its not gonna come off in 3 weeks either. None of those success stories lost 100 lbs in 3 weeks, either. it took MONTHS. You'll get there, you're already off to such a great start. I dont blame u for feeling like this was a mistake cuz its such a lifestyle change so it must be soo hard. just remember, you did this for a reason. so you can be healthy for your family. keep that goal in mind!! you're gonna get there!!
