Saturday, February 4, 2012

Dear Debbie Downer

I'd like to preface this post by saying that this is not directed towards anyone in particular.  And I by no means mean to hurt anyone's feelings.  This was not spurred by events of today only, but by events over my last 6 months.  I know that all of you are trying to help me in my journey, and trying to encourage me along.  But I need to get this off my chest.   For my family and Friends to see, and keep in mind.  Because I just can't take it anymore.

Nothing about your horror story of bariatric surgery from your friend/ aunt/ great-uncle's cousin's brother-in-law's sister's wife helps me.  I've heard numerous horror stories over the last 6 months.  At times I wish I hadn't told anyone that I was going to have the surgery.  I am well aware of the risks and lifelong changes that accompany bariatric surgery.  I know I might never get to eat certain foods again.  I know some people have complications.  I know some people die.  (I'm not dead yet, so I'm guessing I jumped that hurdle! :) )

It really doesn't help me to know that so and so who had surgery last year can't eat ice cream.  Or that so and so went to Mexico to have surgery (I'm assuming because said person is an idiot and thinks Mexico actually has a Medical Board worth writing home about) and now has a horrible hernia and can only eat bean soup and water.  (I'm willing to bet that person is no longer overweight though!)

I appreciate the concern that I get from each and every one of my friends, but I really don't need another article telling me to eat with a baby spoon from a child's plate.  Right now I can't eat at all, so although I love you, your mention of food makes me want to eat you alive!

And Surgery is not something I'm considering anymore.  Its done.  Over.  End of story.  I can't go back and change it now.  And I'm glad.  Because even if I can't eat ice cream ever again, I'll probably be able to eat sugar free frozen yogurt (which I like better anyway) and at least I will be able to bend over and tie my shoes without losing my breath.

I understand that I am VERY irritable right now.  I've been told that that will pass as soon as I'm allowed to eat solid foods again.  Or maybe after I eat the next person who hasn't gone through surgery themselves, but calls to offer some advice. :)

Today I'm down another 2 lbs, for a total loss of 7 lbs!  Yay!

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