Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BMI Isn't Everything

Hi guys!  Well, the title of this post says it all.  BMI isn't everything.  For the past year I've been shooting for a healthy BMI.  My goal?  A BMI of 24.  Normal BMI for my height (5'4") is between 18.5-24.9.  So to attain a BMI of 24 (which is the top of the healthy BMI range) is 140lbs.  Yeah, I'm still just sitting pretty at 155lbs.  15 lbs from goal.  GREAT.  Just GREAT!  GRRR!

See my frustration?  So I tell my Chiropractor about this.  (My chiropractor is amazing by the way!)  And he suggests we try a body fat percentage test.  So I did.  My body fat percentage was 25%.  The body fat percentage for a FIT woman should be between 21-24%, and for an average normal weight woman should be between 24-31%.  So by body fat percentage, I have maybe 5lbs to loose to be in the Fit category.

For REAL?  Apparently, I am big boned!  LOL!  What BMI doesn't take into account is your frame size, your age, or even the amount of breast tissue you have.  I want to scream, "BMI, you don't know me!"  (You know, like those trashy people on Jerry Springer used to yell at the audience when they would get booed for being tramps.)  Anyway, all this made me realize, that BMI just isn't my best tool for calculating what my ideal weight should be.

In other news, I had my one year post surgery checkup the other day.  The Dr. was very impressed with my progress.  They even asked me to come speak at one of their informational seminars this Saturday morning.  (no pressure!)  So right now I'm compiling photos for them to use in my presentation.  Fun fun.  Its not so fun looking at photos of my old self.  I barely recognize the person I was.  Its crazy.  I'll let you know how the speaking thing goes next week.  :)

Today's weight:155lbs

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