Monday, April 30, 2012

2 More Pounds...

2 More pounds.  That's all.  I'm praying that I wake up tomorrow morning at 199.  I want so badly to break the 200 mark.  For me, its a personal goal that lifts a huge weight off my shoulders.  Literally!  I've been struggling with the 200lb mark since my freshman year of college.  That's 10.5 years of hating the number 200.  For all I care, 200 can suck it.  Cause I'm gonna see that number for a minimum of one more week.  After that, I'm NEVER seeing it again.  NEVER!

Eating is going better.  Although Chinese food is probably something I should wait a while to try again.  (Yeah, that wasn't a great idea!)  But I'm able to eat more meats, salads, and fruits.  And OMG, I used to hate raspberries, but I cannot get enough of them now.  Fresh raspberries.  Yum!

Oh, and my wedding rings no longer fit.  They were originally a size 7.  I had to have them sized up to a size 8 after Elliot was born.  I went to my uncle, who owns Swifts Jewelry, and he took them to resize them to a ---size 6.5!  That's crazy.  I am 20lbs lighter now than when I got married.  Heck, from when I got engaged!  I literally don't think I can wear my wedding dress anymore.  And not because its too small!  Yay!

The weight loss is slower now.  Its very strange.  I'll have a fat day, where I feel really big.  Then the scale will move one or two pounds, then a few days later I have a skinny day.  Like today.  So I took a picture.  :)  

Today's Weight: 201
Total Loss: 48 lbs


  1. WOW you look AMAZING!! i am SO SO SO proud of you!!!

  2. You look awesome!!

    I say post the swimsuit picture. You'd rock it, I know.
